INSTINTO PRIMITIVO: Taller de Auto-Exploración Consciente

08/02/2024 - 08/04/2024

In-Depth Retreat Overview

[ This retreat is intended for Spanish-speaking GBTQIA+ men (cis and trans) of all ages (18+), racial backgrounds, and body types. ] We always offer a 50% discount for Ticos with Costa Rican residency. Use the code " PURAVIDATICOS " on the registration page! This retreat will be led in Spanish with no translation provided in English. This weekend workshop will be an opportunity for Spanish-speaking gay men to connect with the power of nature present every day and every morning in the Jungle Gayborhood and the sacred power of its sexual energy that lives within each one of us. A journey through our bodies to once again recognize the beauty of our outward appearance, taking one step at a time closer to accepting our body. The perception of beauty has been damaged by stereotypes from a society that lacks empathy, tolerance and love, so much so that we have forgotten how to love ourselves and of course how to love each other. Juntos co-crearemos una espacio seguro para aquellos que quieran ir un poco más profundo en este sendero y redescubrir de realmente mirar la belleza interior, sentir la energía que lo crea todo y crear una comunidad de hombres que se aceptan, aman y se desean a sí mismos de tal forma que aceptan, aman y desean a los otros desde una conexión energética más auténtica. El orgasmo visto como un regalo sagrado y como una forma de expandir nuestra energía nos permitirá mover el placer de nuestro pene hacia el resto de nuestro cuerpo bendecido por la naturaleza como una confirmación de que el sexo fue otorgado a la humanidad por la Divinidad Universal. Regalo que hemos “desperdiciado” por años al seguir prácticas superficiales, que nos hacen ciegos al verdadero poder que tenemos como seres humanos al vivir una sexualidad más consciente, donde primero nos conocemos a nosotros mismos para luego compartirnos con otros. Prácticas matutinas de movimiento, secuencias de posturas de yoga, ejercicios de respiración, sesiones somáticas, círculos de palabra para compartir nuestras experiencias, dinámicas individuales y grupales nacidas del tantra y la filosofía de la Sexualidad Sagrada además de espacios para crear comunidad mientras disfrutamos de la selva, la catarata y los sonidos de la naturaleza son algunos de los elementos que nos ayudarán a dar inicio a esta experiencia hacia una mayor consciencia de amor propio conectado con nuestro instinto primitvo del placer.


Ser un espacio seguro para hombres gay hispanohablantes quienes buscan una manera más auténtica de vivir su homosexualidad por medio del reconocimiento de su propia energía sexual.
  1. Ofrecer una oportunidad para profundizar en nuestra conciencia y redescubrir el poder sagrado de la creación, el amor y el placer dentro de nuestra energía sexual.
  2. Mostrar una nueva forma de comunidad entre hombres gay hispanohablantes con mayor empatía, espacio para la vulnerabilidad, aceptación personal y consentimiento dentro y fuera de nuestras relaciones sexuales.
  3. Facilitar herramientas y potenciar habilidades personales para reconocer y mover la energía sexual a través de nuestro cuerpo.

Desarrollamos este espacio pensando en vos para:

  • Abrazar la relación que tenemos con nosotros mismos y como consecuencia empezar a hacer cambios que nos acerquen cada vez más a una versión más auténtica de nosotros.
  • Encontrar en el proceso la manera de verte con amor tanto física como emocional y mentalmente, surgiendo entonces lo que muchos llaman amor propio.
  • Descubrir que no sos el único que afronta tribulaciones emocionales o mentales por diversas influencias de la sociedad logrando entonces sentirte acompañado por otros hombres homosexuales.
  • Soltar las expectativas porque renunciamos a la comparación del avance nuestro con el de los demás y observamos nuestro camino con amor y vemos a los otros como inspiración.
  • Feeling sexual energy and its power as a gift from divinity allows us to share ourselves sexually in a more conscious way, this means working together between the mind, our body and our spirit. Our being of Light.

COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS : Hijo del Sol and The Jungle Gayborhood aim to inspire personal exploration, radical expression of self, and a sense of connection: internally, with community, and with nature. We actively cultivate practices that support these goals by consciously exploring physical practices, authentic relationships, somatic movement therapy, shamanism, and sacred sexuality. To create a predictable and safe environment for this type of healing, growth, reflection, and expansion, we ask all who come to our home to align themselves with these community agreements.     Notice about dogs : We have two very loving and friendly dogs, Bodhi and Luna, who live here at The Gayborhood. Other than the occasional bark when cars drive by, they are calm and very sweet. If you have any concerns about the presence of dogs, please contact us to discuss.

All Details at one Glance:

$660.00 – Shared 4 Bed Jungle Cabin
$900.00 – Private King Cabin
$780.00 – Shared Twin Jungle Cabin
$950.00 – Private Deluxe Cabin


DATE & TIME DETAILS: 2-4 Agosto, 2024


LOCATION: 'The Jungle Gayborhood' San Salvador de Baru, Diamante Valley, Costa Rica


[email protected]

Alojamiento: Alojamiento seru00e1 en nuestras hermosas cabinas de bambu hechas a mano.

Comida: Se proporcionan todas las comidas diariamente durante tu estancia. El desayuno, almuerzo y cena son preparados frescos en casa por nuestro increu00edble equipo de cocina.

Transporte: Ofrecemos un servicio de transporte de ida y vuelta desde San Josu00e9. (Hay que agregar este servicio a tu reserva en la pu00e1gina de registraciu00f3n.)rnrnEl transporte al Gayborhood saldru00e1 puntualmente del Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica (San Josu00e9) a las 8 am, el viernes 2 de agosto de 2024.rnrnEl transporte de regreso saldru00e1 del Gayborhood a las 2:30 pm, el domingo 4 de agosto de 2024.rnrnPara aquellos que deseen llegar por su propia cuenta o para aquellos que deseen viajar fuera de los horarios mencionados anteriormente, estaremos encantados de recomendar nuestro servicio de taxi local asociado. Ojo que se require un vehiculo de 4x4 para llegar a nuestra propiedad.

Precio Tico: Siempre ofrecemos un descuento de 50% para Ticos con residencia costarricense. Usa el codigo PURAVIDATICOS en la pu00e1gina de registraciu00f3n!

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Authentic Connection

Why Retreats with Jungle Gayborhood?

Dive into an experience that goes beyond just a getaway. Our retreats are crafted to provide you with a safe and welcoming space, where authenticity and connection take center stage. Whether you’re looking to unwind and recharge or eager to forge new friendships in an inclusive setting, our Jungle Gayborhood retreats offer a unique opportunity to connect with yourself and others in a meaningful way.

retreats in costa rica

Expert Facilitators:

experienced facilitators who will guide enriching experiences, helping you discover more about yourself and your connection with others.

Inclusive Community:

Join a diverse community that celebrates authenticity and diversity.

Exceptional Environment:

Immerse yourself in the lush nature, creating a unique backdrop for your moments of relaxation and reflection.

Holistic Well-being:

Enjoy activities designed to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

What’s it like to attend a retreat at the Jungle Gayborhood?

Our Retreat Amenities include

Luxurious accommodations, holistic wellness facilities, adventure opportunities, and an experienced team for an unforgettable experience.

Spectacular waterfalls

  • Enjoy six major waterfalls within walking distance along the Diamante River.
  • 11 Gorgeous Bamboo Cabins (25 beds sleeping up to 28)

  • 3 Deluxe Cabins (1 king/queen bed)
  • 5 Jungle Cabins (1 king bed or 2 individual beds)
  • 3 Bunk Cabins (4 individual beds)
  • All cabins include power, lights, fan, super comfortable beds and nice linens, and are fully enclosed in mosquito mesh netting. A/C is unnecessary in our region.

    Camping area

  • able to accommodate 10-20 people
  • Beautiful yoga shala

  • Our Shala Space is a beautiful covered bamboo structure reaching out into the jungle with a direct view of the Diamante waterfall
  • Communal bathroom and showers

  • All cabins share a beautiful bamboo bathhouse with hot water.
  • Communal 5 person outdoor shower
  • 3 private individual showers
  • Kitchen + dining to accommodate 30+

  • Gourmet meal plan available
  • Gym

  • Comprehensive collection of free weights (machines and cardio not available)
  • Pristine Nature

  • Located on a gorgeous 300 acre property in one of the world’s most biodiverse places in Costa Rica.
  • Abundant hiking

  • Explore several kilometers of private hiking trails right on the property.
  • On-site bodywork

  • Relax and care for your body with massage with the soundtrack of nature (additional cost)
  • Offered right in your cabin or in our massage temple.
  • Accommodations include

    All cabins are handmade primarily from locally-sourced bamboo, and while they are protected from the elements and enclosed in mosquito netting, they are open air and have spectacular views of the jungle. Private and shared accommodation options are available.

    All cabins come with:

    All cabins share a gorgeous bamboo bathhouse and shower facilities.
    A/C is unnecessary in our region.

    Price includes accommodation, use of facilities, and morning embodiment classes (such as yoga, meditation, etc) offered several days per week.
    This price does not include the cost of meals ($50/person/night).

    Meals include

    We have an in-house chef who prepares fresh and delicious meals daily, using local, organically grown ingredients whenever possible. We will do our best to accommodate dietary restrictions.




    Includes Meat


    Gluten Free

    Dairy Free

    Nut Free

    Register now for our retreat

    What participants say

    Kyle Philipp QJan 06, 2023
    Read More
    This trip helped me to ground myself in the beauty of nature, to shed the veil of constant distraction of life, technology. social media and the city and really 100k at myself. The compassionate nature of the facilitators, the community coming together each on their own healing journey and the delicious local food came together perfectly,
    Rafael GMar 30, 2022
    Read More
    This retreat was one Ot the most transformational oxporioncos thot hod in my ontiro life, If you aro looking to build community, connect with yourself, and tap into your solf worth and power. this experience is for you. Looking forward to the next one already.
    John l.aUG 6, 2023
    Read More
    I was going through a rough patch with my mental wen- being and finding those that shared the same desire to better themselves. This experience introduced rne to a healthy gay community of men that were more than their trauma, without judgment or prejudice. I felt liberated, free, loved ond heard. There were so many beautitul souls here that shared their stories with me. I found that the key was to take a leap Of faith and come with on open heart and
    Dale D.Dec 19, 2022
    Read More
    I'm so glad I attended Remembering Wholeness- The food. the shelters. the facilities, the movement, the ceremonies, and the natural environment were worthy Of accolades_ Mostly, basked in the cornpany Of other queer men. all of us sharing our joy and spirit with each other. 1 highly recommend the retreat and stays offered by the Queer wellness Collective.

    How it works

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    frequently asked questions


    Got questions about our retreats in Costa Rica? Read the FAQs or get in touch via the contact form below.

    Our retreats take place at the luxurious and bohemian Jungle Gayborhood in Diamante Valley, Costa Rica, offering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all couples.


    The Jungle Gayborhood offers a paradisiacal oasis of calm, seamlessly integrating the natural beauty of Costa Rica with the peaceful practices of yoga. It’s not just about the asanas here; it’s about tapping into the serenity of an untouched paradise and reconnecting with one’s inner peace.

    Costa Rica’s yoga retreats in the vibrant Jungle Gayborhood are designed to cultivate wellness by harmonizing the vitality of the lush rainforest environment with the restorative power of yoga. It’s wellness with a pinch of wild charm, and a whole lot of soul!


    Yogis rave about Costa Rica’s retreats because they provide a tranquil setting that fosters both personal growth and relaxation. The country’s reputation for top-ranked retreats stems from their ability to deliver transformative experiences that go far beyond just the physical aspect of yoga.


    Sacred sexuality is a practice that elevates sexual experiences to a spiritual level, aiming for a deeper connection with oneself and one’s partner.


    Our retreats aren’t just set in nature; they give back to it. The eco-friendly practices and sustainable living ethos are woven into the experience, ensuring that your journey towards inner peace also contributes to the health of our planet.


    The Jungle Gayborhood is more than inclusive; it’s a celebration of diversity. It’s a place where the LGBTQ+ family can find unity and peace, an environment that resonates with the essence of ‘Pura Vida’ and welcomes every individual with open arms.


    Yes, Costa Rica has a good track record in terms of safety, and its growing social acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community makes it a relatively safe destination.


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